presents very nicely, gentle cold cake without baking. Recipe cut centuries ago from some newspapers, I have changed a bit.
BUN Yoghurt with Mango
12 dag 25 dag butter biscuit
1 can mangoes in syrup
big cup plain yogurt (preferably Greek or Balkan)
a small carton of fresh cream, 12%
small carton whipping cream
10 dag sugar 1 bag of sugar
vanilla lemon juice 8 teaspoons gelatin
melted butter, crush biscuits in a food processor or pastry board roll the mix with butter. The bottom of the springform pan with oil or grease the parchment paper for baking, wylepić prepared mass and put into the refrigerator.
Fruit mix with the marinade. Yogurt and cream, 12% mixed with sugar, lemon juice and vanilla sugar. Dissolve gelatin in half a glass of hot water, cool. 1 / 3 of gelatin mix in 4-5 tablespoons of caution with mango mousse, then mix with the rest of the mousse. The remaining gelatin mixed with 4 tablespoons of yogurt by weight, and then pour the rest of the masses. If you immediately begin to cut, mix blender. Beat to stiff fondant, gently mix in lots of weight. At the bottom of the prepared mass pour cream-yogurt, and put on top of mousse with mango. You can also teach two weight layers, then drag the whole with a fork to create a pattern. Ready to insert a small cake in the fridge for min. 3 hours. Enjoy!
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