Recipes for sweet divide roughly into three categories: rules not too successful, which has not come back; successful rules to which I return repeatedly and those so fantastic, that I hesitate to repeat them, because I am afraid that sit down and eat everything at once;) This provision belongs to this third category. I tried it the first time and a half years ago and since then I was afraid to go back, because I remember how quickly disappeared for the first time. When I finally dared to repeat, it appeared that the bars still taste very me, but now it seemed a bit too sweet. However, it is still very recommended. You can bake them in the mold a bit more - if they flatter, they can act as a mazurka. Recipe found here .
Bars chocolate-milk-and-Peanut
90 g butter, melted
100 g digestive biscuits, crushed 240 g
chocolate, roughly chopped (I give the little dark, milk and white)
70 g coconut chips
140 g chopped nuts (for me blend of Italian and hazelnuts), less than an
can sweetened condensed milk (about 400g)
lamina (in my mold 20 x 20 cm) baking parchment paper. At the bottom of the pour melted butter. On not evenly sprinkle crushed cookies, then finely chopped (not too finely) chocolate chips coconut, then nuts. Pour whole milk from the can. Do not mix! Milk when baking penetrate into the deeper layers and everything nice zespoli. Bake from 1930 to 1940 minutes at 175 ° C. You can cover the top with aluminum foil (yes I did, it took off at the end of cooking). Cool, put in a 2 - 3 hours in the refrigerator (it will be better kroiĆo). Cut. Enjoy!
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