One by far the best type of muesli bars household - and tried really a lot of rules. These bars are comparable to kupnymi, sweet, and stringy, rather than hard-brittle (unless it is too long karmelizuje sugar). An additional advantage is that very soon they are doing, and added without cooking. Highly, highly recommended. Recipe found here .
Ingredients (per serving for about two persons):
• 1 tablespoon honey • 1 tablespoon
fructose or sugar
• 1 tablespoon butter • 1 cup
flakes - corn + such as oatmeal, bran, popping of amaranth, Expanded spelled or millet etc..
• 0.5 cups of your favorite dried fruits (eg dried fruit, coconut, nuts, seeds)
honey, sugar and melted margarine together in a saucepan over high heat and cook briefly, stirring quickly until the mixture thickens, lightly browned and begin to smell like caramel. Remove from heat, sprinkle petals and almonds, stir quickly.
Method one:
Allow to cool. As will be slightly warm put a spoonful into pieces of aluminum foil, form an elongated "Candy bar". Wrap in foil and gently roll and knead, so that everything is nicely merged. Put in the fridge for an hour. After this time, remove the foil. You can decorate for example, stripes of chocolate.
Method Two:
I do differently: the mass kneaded still warm with a spoon, then put it into a plastic box nasmarowanego oil. Perfectly fits the blue box on the Wall's ice cream. The mass balances, and place the box in the fridge. After about an hour lecture zastygnięto weight of the box and cut the bars. Enjoy!
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