Tuesday, February 1, 2011

14k Jewelry With Stamp Nabco

Brussels Sprouts FRIED TOFU

This recipe is dedicated Wegetariance that its action, convinced me to tofu. This dish can encourage resistant both to eat tofu and brussels sprouts. I recommend - is delicious. Recipe found here .

Brussels sprouts with caramelized FRIED TOFU
Serves me again for 2-3 people.


1 cube of tofu (mine was 210g) 250g fresh brussels sprouts

1-2 cloves garlic 1 / 3 cup nuts or seeds favorites (in the original pecan, but the Italian very well replace them. For me this time sunflower seeds, hazelnuts +)
3 tablespoons brown sugar (I gave one)
oil for frying (In the original with peanut or olive oil), chopped parsley
coriander (I'm not a fan, so replaced the parsley) salt


Tofu cut into cubes and salted fry in hot oil, stirring until the zezłości, about 4 minutes. Add the garlic and nuts / seeds, and fry another minute. I put the sugar and continue to fry about 2 minutes, until sugar is dissolved. The whole translate into a bowl. In a pan pour a little oil (do not wash it with sugar) and crank up the fire a bit. Pour hot oil Brussel Sprouts, pre-cut into thin slices, salt and fry for a few minutes, stirring occasionally, until sprouts are softened and in some zezłości. We combine the usmażonym tofu, heat up a little while. Serve with baguette, brown rice or as a separate dish.


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