Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Baptisim Cake Sayings

promotes stupidity safest way to listen to music and hearing protection - the bone

Finally an invention that we all seek: headphones for portable music player more than to protect your hearing, even saved him. Audio Bone headphones are known and have been invented for listening to music in a weird style but surely, through the bones.
We know that listening to music using normal headphones can cause hearing loss, but Golden Dance Japanese company says it has found the best solution. Audio Bone called their device looks like a normal pair of headphones, but the main difference is that they are not made to be placed in the ear, but a bone near the ear.

This produces a vibration of music which is directed directly to the brain, which the developers say they do not cause any internal damage even if music is played to the maximum.

Date lansatii product has not been announced yet, but the price is at an amount of approximately 100 euros. Bone Audio device will be available in two colors, black and white, and will not need batteries. For more information about the product and new technology visit the site goldendance.co.jp . Otopeni


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