red velvet cake or red velvet cake
traditional American pie, which tempted me an unusual appearance - the sponge cake is red! Currently, according to the most suitable color of this dough with plastic dyes, I decided to try the traditional solution and get the color of the dough with sugar. It worked, the color came out as the most red, but to achieve this effect it is necessary to (supposedly) use tartar (called cream of tartar) to the dough of expansion - I read that using a different conditioner causes a chemical reaction resulting in the red dye from sugar browned. So thank you Mary for bringing me to the UK Neither of tartar, and for providing me the camera to do photos - mine is still broken: ( red velvet cake or red velvet cake
Red sponge: 6 eggs, separate white and the yolk
1 cup sugar (I give 2 / 3 cup fructose)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 / 3 cup buttermilk 1 teaspoon
tartar ¾ cup flour
1 / 3 cup of powder of dried beet * (this "economical 1 / 3") 1 tablespoon cocoa
(next time I would give kopiatą)
* bought dried beets to the health food store and ground them them into a coffee grinder
beat yolks for about 3-5 minutes with half the sugar, vanilla and buttermilk in a water bath, then remove from heat further whip until the mixture becomes foamy, slightly thickened and almost tripled in volume. In a separate bowl, whisk the protein foam, then add to the argol them. Beat on, until the foam thickens slightly. Then gradually add the rest of the sugar to proteins and beat to stiff froth. In a third bowl, mix flour, cocoa powder and beet. Mix the egg mixture, then the whole mixture through a strainer to sift the dry ingredients. Divide the dough into two Cake stand (I gave great, but better done in small, if we want the cake was higher), lined with baking paper. Bake 20-25 minutes at 175 degrees C. After cooling, gently remove the parchment and put the dough mass.
Weight with cream cheese (My favorite!): 200g butter, at room temperature 300g cream cheese
Philadelphia * 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 cup
powdered sugar (I think 2 / 3 is enough)
* Philadelphia has a salty taste - if someone is not responding better to use Polish cheese, such as DELFIKO, which is not as salty. But for some it is a salty-sweet combination is the key to this weight.
Mix all ingredients together. The mass was cooled down to translate the cake. Enjoy!